5 Ways to Save Money on Your Property Taxes

Property taxes are an unavoidable expense for homeowners, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay more than necessary. By understanding the system and employing a few strategic steps, you can significantly reduce your property tax bill. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore five effective ways to save money on your property taxes. Whether you’re a new homeowner or simply looking to cut costs, these tips will help you navigate the complex world of property taxes with confidence.

1. Understand How Your Property is Assessed

The Basics of Property Assessment

Before you can take steps to reduce your property taxes, it’s crucial to understand how your property is assessed. Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your home, which is determined by local assessors. They evaluate various factors such as the size of your property, the condition of your home, and the value of similar properties in your area.

Reviewing Your Assessment

Once you receive your property assessment, review it carefully. Look for any discrepancies or errors that could affect your home’s assessed value. Sometimes, simple mistakes, such as incorrect square footage or outdated property information, can lead to inflated assessments. If you spot any errors, you have the right to dispute them.

Disputing an Assessment

To dispute an assessment, gather evidence that supports your claim. This might include recent appraisals, photographs of your property, or records of recent sales of similar properties in your area. Submit this evidence to your local assessor’s office along with a formal appeal. By challenging an incorrect assessment, you could lower your property tax bill.

2. Take Advantage of Tax Exemptions and Abatements

Understanding Exemptions

Many jurisdictions offer property tax exemptions for certain groups of people. These might include senior citizens, veterans, or individuals with disabilities. Exemptions can significantly reduce the amount of property tax you owe.

Applying for Exemptions

To take advantage of these exemptions, you typically need to apply through your local tax assessor’s office. Applications often require proof of eligibility, such as age verification or proof of disability. Make sure to check the deadlines and submit your application on time.

Exploring Abatements

In addition to exemptions, some areas offer tax abatements. These are temporary reductions in property taxes for homeowners who make improvements to their property or who purchase homes in certain designated areas. Research your local abatement programs to see if you qualify.

3. Appeal to the Board of Review

Preparing Your Case

If you believe your property has been overvalued, you can appeal to your local Board of Review. This is a formal process where you present your case for why your property’s assessment should be lowered. Preparation is key; gather all relevant documentation and be ready to present a compelling argument.

The Appeal Process

During the appeal, you will have the opportunity to present evidence, such as appraisals and comparable property sales. The Board will review your case and make a decision. If they agree with your argument, your property’s assessed value will be lowered, resulting in lower property taxes.

4. Investigate Tax Relief Programs

State and Local Programs

Many states and local governments offer tax relief programs designed to help homeowners manage their property tax burden. These programs might include tax deferral options for seniors or low-income homeowners, which allow you to postpone paying property taxes until you sell your home or pass away.

Applying for Relief

To benefit from these programs, research what’s available in your area and understand the eligibility requirements. The application process may involve providing financial information or demonstrating a specific need. Once approved, these programs can provide substantial relief and make property taxes more manageable.

5. Keep Your Property Records Up to Date

The Importance of Accurate Records

Maintaining accurate property records is essential for ensuring fair property assessments. If your records are outdated or incorrect, you might be paying more in property taxes than you should.

Regular Updates

Regularly review your property records and update them as needed. This includes correcting any errors in property size, noting any significant changes or improvements, and ensuring all information is current. By keeping your records accurate, you can avoid overpaying on your property taxes.

6. Stay Informed About Property Tax Laws

Changes in Legislation

Property tax laws and regulations can change frequently. Staying informed about these changes can help you take advantage of new opportunities to save money. Follow local news, subscribe to newsletters from your tax assessor’s office, and consult with tax professionals to stay up-to-date.

Seeking Professional Advice

Consider consulting with a property tax professional or attorney who specializes in local tax laws. They can provide valuable insights and advice on how to legally minimize your property tax liability. Investing in professional advice can pay off significantly in the long run.


Saving money on your property taxes is not only possible but also practical with the right approach. By understanding how your property is assessed, taking advantage of exemptions and abatements, appealing to the Board of Review, investigating tax relief programs, keeping your property records up to date, and staying informed about property tax laws, you can effectively reduce your tax burden. Implement these 5 ways to save money on your property taxes and enjoy the financial relief that comes with lower property tax bills.

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